Hai uols! After years of waiting, finally on 21/12/2011 i get to wear my braces! I've wasted years in the waiting list of gov ortho that i decided to do a mini survey about dental braces until i found out about Klinik Dr Zarin near Ampang. This particular dental provides braces treatment at a really affordable cost. So without wasting any more time, I went there, walk in je. On that day, they took my xrays and acuan & they said they will call me later. After exactly 1 week, they called me for a second meetup. The doc himself explained every single particular things about braces and let me decide wheather Im still interested to wear them on. Obviously I said yes! Sepatutnya opp untuk pakai braces somewhere in February but Doc said if I want to get them on on the same day, i have to wait. So tadaaaaaaa dah pakai pun.
So give me another two years honey!
P/s : dear future husband, sila tangguh kan niat nak masuk minang dulu ye. Atleast for another 2 years :p
Dream BIG. Believe it. Chase it. Life is so beautiful to be wasted.
December 22, 2011
December 9, 2011
I can't wait for the lunar eclipse tomorrow. They say it's going to be beautiful and magical. I've never witnessed an eclipse before; well I've seen Twilight Eclipse though. Haha but that doesn't count. They said it's going to be at around 7:30pm (+8 GST), so I'll be waiting outside and stare up the sky. I bet my sister will be on standby with her DSLR. I hope we could get a clear image of this phenomena, 'cos who knows when we're gonna get a oppoturnity like this again, right? So, let's go outside tomorrow and praise Allah for His magical wonders. Subhanallah.
December 6, 2011
Online Shopping
Hey there.
Recently, I am really addicted to online shopping. You know that feeling when you recieved your items at home? Ahh it feels so good. I've addicted to this habit ever since the holiday starts (somewhere in october). Nothing to do that I just browsing thru my News feed on facebook and find out about all the online shop pages. I tell you what, I could spent hours looking thru the goods they sell. One thing about online shopping is - its so easy that you dont have to go out to the malls. All you hve to do is clicking your mouse! How simple is that? Haha. Up till now, I've already bought a purse, clothes, skirts and etc. And ohh another thing, they sell the goods with an affordable price. Tak mahal, tak murah. Siapa tak gila? But if you never do an online shopping, my advice is - just dont try it. Because once you've tried, you could be crazy, literally. Hehe. But for me, online shopping is fun tho (;
Recently, I am really addicted to online shopping. You know that feeling when you recieved your items at home? Ahh it feels so good. I've addicted to this habit ever since the holiday starts (somewhere in october). Nothing to do that I just browsing thru my News feed on facebook and find out about all the online shop pages. I tell you what, I could spent hours looking thru the goods they sell. One thing about online shopping is - its so easy that you dont have to go out to the malls. All you hve to do is clicking your mouse! How simple is that? Haha. Up till now, I've already bought a purse, clothes, skirts and etc. And ohh another thing, they sell the goods with an affordable price. Tak mahal, tak murah. Siapa tak gila? But if you never do an online shopping, my advice is - just dont try it. Because once you've tried, you could be crazy, literally. Hehe. But for me, online shopping is fun tho (;
December 3, 2011
I am on my way to my kampung in Perak, attending my uncle's wedding, listening to my ipod. I put it on shuffle but it keeps playing Bieber's songs from the My World 2.0 album. So i decided to listen to the whole album. These songs sure remind me of good old times. I've been listening to this album days and nights earlier this year.Hehe. Bieber's voice in this album is so cute! Ahh i just love this kid!
🎶 Just a fraction of your love, fills the air,
And Im fall in love with you, All over again 🎶
🎶 Just a fraction of your love, fills the air,
And Im fall in love with you, All over again 🎶
December 1, 2011
Hah! I'm back.
Its been so long since my last post. Oh well, there were a lot of things going on or happened in my life for these past few months. So here are the follow ups from my last entries. (:
Never Say Never 3D
Yup, its Bieber again. Ops. My friends and I went to GSC Times Square to watch it! We were in the middle of exam week at that time but we still, managed to spent some times for that special kid! The movie was awesome. I like it how they exposed the journey of Justin Bieber from zero to hero. There were so much of smiles, laughter, tears and joys all at once. I'm so touched by how this kid could stay strong after so many rejections. After all, he believed in his dreams and chased it. Well, the title of the movie explains it all - Never Say Never! To those who haven't watch this movie, you better go and watch it now! It doesn't matter if you are not a Belieber, because this movie is inspirational. Enjoy!
My World Tour Live In KL
Couple of weeks after we went to watched NSN3D, we seriously cant never get enough of Justin. Its all about Justin Bieber all the time.
Justin Bieber. Justin Bieber. Justin Bieber. Justin Bieber. Justin Bieber.
That was what on our mind haha. So we decided to go to his concert! Its a birthday present from my aunt. And oh, I won a couple of MYR358 tickets 4 hours right before the concert! Lucky much huh? :) That concert was amazingly, undoubtedly AH-MAZING! Even though there were raining like mad few hours before the concert starts, but that was not a kind of a big deals to thousands of Beliebers at the Stadium Merdeka. I enjoyed my self to the fullest. That was one of my favorite nights in my entire life! Thank you Justin Bieber and crew for giving me the opportunity to finally watch him performing LIVE! *faint*
My New Baby. July,15
Remember my entry about Apple gadgets? How much I really wanted to owned the iPhone?
Alhamdulillah, i bought it already! Ahhh another dream come true! I bought my baby (a white iPhone 4) on 15th July at The Gardens MidValley and I fall in love with it ever since. I've been wanted an iPhone for so long that I forced my self to put aside some money - and I did it! iPhone is so cool \(^.^)/ I just love it!
My final semester was really a disaster. I screwed my midsemester exam so I have to worked my butt off real hard during the final exam. And Alhamdulillah, I managed to officially ended my study there. I was so lucky to be given the opportunity to be a part of the IIUM community. I've learned a lot. I've made so many good friends. I've created a lot of bitter/sweet memories over there. I am definitely gonna miss everything there. Thank you so much IIUM, I will never forget (:
I will soon start my degree program - Bachelor Of Aircraft Engineering Technology at Malaysian Institute of Aviation Technology (MIAT) , somewhere in Dengkil,Sepang. Enrolled on 8th of January 2011. Lama lagi (:
MIAT ni pesyen dia kena pergi interview and IQ test. Early November ( cant remember the date -__-) I went there, accompanied by Papa and Mama to sit for the IQ test and the interview. The test on IQ was real hard and confusing and on the other hand, the interview went so well. The two interviewers were so kind and cool. This is what i want since in the school years. So I thanked Allah for everything (:
As for now, I am enjoying my 4 months holiday at home, baby sitting my 9-years-old brother, Danish. I'm too, counting days to be a degree student. After a long holiday, unattached with educational activities formally, I feel so stupid. KBYE.
Never Say Never 3D
Yup, its Bieber again. Ops. My friends and I went to GSC Times Square to watch it! We were in the middle of exam week at that time but we still, managed to spent some times for that special kid! The movie was awesome. I like it how they exposed the journey of Justin Bieber from zero to hero. There were so much of smiles, laughter, tears and joys all at once. I'm so touched by how this kid could stay strong after so many rejections. After all, he believed in his dreams and chased it. Well, the title of the movie explains it all - Never Say Never! To those who haven't watch this movie, you better go and watch it now! It doesn't matter if you are not a Belieber, because this movie is inspirational. Enjoy!
My World Tour Live In KL
Couple of weeks after we went to watched NSN3D, we seriously cant never get enough of Justin. Its all about Justin Bieber all the time.
Justin Bieber. Justin Bieber. Justin Bieber. Justin Bieber. Justin Bieber.
That was what on our mind haha. So we decided to go to his concert! Its a birthday present from my aunt. And oh, I won a couple of MYR358 tickets 4 hours right before the concert! Lucky much huh? :) That concert was amazingly, undoubtedly AH-MAZING! Even though there were raining like mad few hours before the concert starts, but that was not a kind of a big deals to thousands of Beliebers at the Stadium Merdeka. I enjoyed my self to the fullest. That was one of my favorite nights in my entire life! Thank you Justin Bieber and crew for giving me the opportunity to finally watch him performing LIVE! *faint*
My New Baby. July,15
Remember my entry about Apple gadgets? How much I really wanted to owned the iPhone?
Alhamdulillah, i bought it already! Ahhh another dream come true! I bought my baby (a white iPhone 4) on 15th July at The Gardens MidValley and I fall in love with it ever since. I've been wanted an iPhone for so long that I forced my self to put aside some money - and I did it! iPhone is so cool \(^.^)/ I just love it!
My final semester was really a disaster. I screwed my midsemester exam so I have to worked my butt off real hard during the final exam. And Alhamdulillah, I managed to officially ended my study there. I was so lucky to be given the opportunity to be a part of the IIUM community. I've learned a lot. I've made so many good friends. I've created a lot of bitter/sweet memories over there. I am definitely gonna miss everything there. Thank you so much IIUM, I will never forget (:
I will soon start my degree program - Bachelor Of Aircraft Engineering Technology at Malaysian Institute of Aviation Technology (MIAT) , somewhere in Dengkil,Sepang. Enrolled on 8th of January 2011. Lama lagi (:
MIAT ni pesyen dia kena pergi interview and IQ test. Early November ( cant remember the date -__-) I went there, accompanied by Papa and Mama to sit for the IQ test and the interview. The test on IQ was real hard and confusing and on the other hand, the interview went so well. The two interviewers were so kind and cool. This is what i want since in the school years. So I thanked Allah for everything (:
As for now, I am enjoying my 4 months holiday at home, baby sitting my 9-years-old brother, Danish. I'm too, counting days to be a degree student. After a long holiday, unattached with educational activities formally, I feel so stupid. KBYE.
March 30, 2011
Yesss, its Bieber Fever again! Here we go..
The whole world know that Justin Bieber's movie called Justin Bieber : Never Say Never has been in the theaters ( Hollywood's) on the late February this year. I've been waiting to watch the movie ever since! Plus, I've read tons of positive reactions from people who'd already watch it! Some of them were used to be JB's haters but after watching it they become one of the Beliebers. Sounds crazy kan? However, this movie will only be in the cinemas ( in Malaysia) starting from April 14th.
Yes, I have to wait for like almost two months!
Lucky me, last Tuesday, a friend of mine asked me if I want a pair of free tickets to watch the movie in premier! WHAT?! I guess you already know what was my answer, dont you? hehe
However, the problem is I have to pick up the tickets at Sri Pentas which I dont know how to reach it. I must pick it up before this Firday because the premier will be on Saturday night. Huaargh! No matter what, I have to find a way!
I'll keep you posted what will happen next!
The whole world know that Justin Bieber's movie called Justin Bieber : Never Say Never has been in the theaters ( Hollywood's) on the late February this year. I've been waiting to watch the movie ever since! Plus, I've read tons of positive reactions from people who'd already watch it! Some of them were used to be JB's haters but after watching it they become one of the Beliebers. Sounds crazy kan? However, this movie will only be in the cinemas ( in Malaysia) starting from April 14th.
Yes, I have to wait for like almost two months!
Lucky me, last Tuesday, a friend of mine asked me if I want a pair of free tickets to watch the movie in premier! WHAT?! I guess you already know what was my answer, dont you? hehe
However, the problem is I have to pick up the tickets at Sri Pentas which I dont know how to reach it. I must pick it up before this Firday because the premier will be on Saturday night. Huaargh! No matter what, I have to find a way!
I'll keep you posted what will happen next!
During free time, I always keep myself entertain by watching a few TV series which I downloaded somewhere over the somewhere! haha Thanks to my sister for introducing me the habit which is actually a bad one because once you watched, you will stuck right in front of your screen for hours. Sleeping at odd hours? Hit the bed after subuh prayer? Its normal! well, at least during the school break.
To date, these are some of my favorites
1) Gossip Girl - Season 1 to Season 4
2) Glee - Season 1 to Season 2
3) The Kardashian - All kind of it - Keeping Up with The Kardashian, Kourtney and Kim take NYC, Kourtney and Khloe take Miami ( all seasons)
4) Ugly Betty - Season 1
5) The Ellen Show ( TV show)
I love watching this kind of media because one, they are interesting and you couldn't expect what will happen next. And that makes you keep watching and watching and watching! Secondly, besides entertaining, I can eventually improve my speaking skill! hehe although I am still , of course, do not sound exactly like them, but who knows in four or five months times kan? tiba tiba cakap dah bunyi macam Blair Waldorf ! haha. And the most important thing is they are realistic and logic! Plus, their acting are not as fake as m**** actors & actresses. In fact, they are natural and adorable! *Extra point for the gojes heroes!*
My new semester just begin, so I decided to cool down the fever over this habit. But fortunately, I have to seat for MUET ( Malaysia University English Test) somewhere in next week. So, brilliantly, I've decided, again, to keep the fever hot! hehe what?! It do helps okayyy! So this week I might finish watching Ugly Betty until x season. Who knows?I dont!
*wish me luck for the test. may all the efforts will be useful! Amin!*
To date, these are some of my favorites
1) Gossip Girl - Season 1 to Season 4
2) Glee - Season 1 to Season 2
3) The Kardashian - All kind of it - Keeping Up with The Kardashian, Kourtney and Kim take NYC, Kourtney and Khloe take Miami ( all seasons)
4) Ugly Betty - Season 1
5) The Ellen Show ( TV show)
I love watching this kind of media because one, they are interesting and you couldn't expect what will happen next. And that makes you keep watching and watching and watching! Secondly, besides entertaining, I can eventually improve my speaking skill! hehe although I am still , of course, do not sound exactly like them, but who knows in four or five months times kan? tiba tiba cakap dah bunyi macam Blair Waldorf ! haha. And the most important thing is they are realistic and logic! Plus, their acting are not as fake as m**** actors & actresses. In fact, they are natural and adorable! *Extra point for the gojes heroes!*
My new semester just begin, so I decided to cool down the fever over this habit. But fortunately, I have to seat for MUET ( Malaysia University English Test) somewhere in next week. So, brilliantly, I've decided, again, to keep the fever hot! hehe what?! It do helps okayyy! So this week I might finish watching Ugly Betty until x season. Who knows?I dont!
*wish me luck for the test. may all the efforts will be useful! Amin!*
February 24, 2011
I guess I'm still not over with Bieber Fever! *phew*
Well, recently (18/12/11) he was in NBA All Star Celebrity Game and he did so well! As a BELIEBER, I'm so proud. Like seriously you guys really have to watch him played. Although he was in 13hours flight right before the game, but he proved that he really had skills to kick some ass. And at the end of the game , he grabbed the MVA trophy! Good Job Bieber!
Also he did cut his hair and he looks sexier with the new hair cut! Infact , he looks matured now! *woww*

He do some charity with the cut hair. His cut hair now are available for auction. The price already hit $10,000 on the very first day! I'm impressed! The money will then goes to people who really needed. Congratulations Bieber, you have a really sweet and big heart. And thats why I heart you! :D
Now I just cant wait to watch his movie ; Justin Bieber Never Say Never which will be released on 11th April in Malaysia. I'm sooo gonna watch. Never heard a single bad comment about it. It must be a good one, right Bieber? :)
This star are shining real big since forever. He is capable doing so much things. You name it, I bet he will do just well. All the best and may you be blessed with success and never stop glowing!
Thank you for being such an angel , down-to-earth-icon to a massive teenagers in the whole world!
" No matter you succeed or not, just try and give your best is better than not trying at all."- Justin Drew Bieber.
Well, recently (18/12/11) he was in NBA All Star Celebrity Game and he did so well! As a BELIEBER, I'm so proud. Like seriously you guys really have to watch him played. Although he was in 13hours flight right before the game, but he proved that he really had skills to kick some ass. And at the end of the game , he grabbed the MVA trophy! Good Job Bieber!
Also he did cut his hair and he looks sexier with the new hair cut! Infact , he looks matured now! *woww*

He do some charity with the cut hair. His cut hair now are available for auction. The price already hit $10,000 on the very first day! I'm impressed! The money will then goes to people who really needed. Congratulations Bieber, you have a really sweet and big heart. And thats why I heart you! :D
Now I just cant wait to watch his movie ; Justin Bieber Never Say Never which will be released on 11th April in Malaysia. I'm sooo gonna watch. Never heard a single bad comment about it. It must be a good one, right Bieber? :)
This star are shining real big since forever. He is capable doing so much things. You name it, I bet he will do just well. All the best and may you be blessed with success and never stop glowing!
Thank you for being such an angel , down-to-earth-icon to a massive teenagers in the whole world!
" No matter you succeed or not, just try and give your best is better than not trying at all."- Justin Drew Bieber.
February 11, 2011
Lying? Not-uhh!
Sometimes people tell lies to make them look as great as others or even greater. You know like proudly mentioned they've got a good pointer, but the truth is...? *Indah khabar dari rupa* Tapi kalau rupa cantik, perangai huduh pun nak buat apa. Caught a few. Stalker much? YES I AM! haha.
Next time, watch out. You can mess with other people but not me okay. You're so lucky because I did not run right on your face to tell that "Hey, the other day you told me that your pointer was ####. But I just saw everything on your result slip which did not showed exactly as you said.Tipu eh?" Or else I bet you dont want to see my face ever again. Dont you?
Well, in that case, it is forgiven. But how about if one people proudly told you that they already passed a particular subject but they are willing to take it again?They still want to learn it when other people are working their ass out to pass that particular subject? That is totally nonsense. Normal and healthy people wont do that. The obvious part was, if you are the one who learn that particular subject willingly, you dont complaints when it comes to assignments. And of course, you dont skip classes because it is something that you really want.Dont you?
Sometimes people can be as mad as you could ever imagine. Make up stories like told everybody that you have a massive disease, talking shits about others or even makes death as an excuse. How lame is that? Hmm, this is sad. I think you are too desperate to be great. Dont you?
Kenapa perlu tipu? Yang awak cerita kisah tipu tu dekat orang orang yang dah besar, dah pandai fikir dah semua tu. Haiya. You cant always pretend that you're so great when you're not. Once you lied, you have to be prepared with a bunch of other lies to cover the first one. Tipu tu dosa kecil, tapi kalau dah buat banyak kali, dah jadi dosa besar. No matter what, just remember that everything happened for reasons. Allah knows the best for each and everything. You dont have to be ashamed with your rezeki from Allah. But instead, dont forget to praise Him always. Alhamdulillah.
Next time, watch out. You can mess with other people but not me okay. You're so lucky because I did not run right on your face to tell that "Hey, the other day you told me that your pointer was ####. But I just saw everything on your result slip which did not showed exactly as you said.Tipu eh?" Or else I bet you dont want to see my face ever again. Dont you?
Well, in that case, it is forgiven. But how about if one people proudly told you that they already passed a particular subject but they are willing to take it again?They still want to learn it when other people are working their ass out to pass that particular subject? That is totally nonsense. Normal and healthy people wont do that. The obvious part was, if you are the one who learn that particular subject willingly, you dont complaints when it comes to assignments. And of course, you dont skip classes because it is something that you really want.Dont you?
Sometimes people can be as mad as you could ever imagine. Make up stories like told everybody that you have a massive disease, talking shits about others or even makes death as an excuse. How lame is that? Hmm, this is sad. I think you are too desperate to be great. Dont you?
Kenapa perlu tipu? Yang awak cerita kisah tipu tu dekat orang orang yang dah besar, dah pandai fikir dah semua tu. Haiya. You cant always pretend that you're so great when you're not. Once you lied, you have to be prepared with a bunch of other lies to cover the first one. Tipu tu dosa kecil, tapi kalau dah buat banyak kali, dah jadi dosa besar. No matter what, just remember that everything happened for reasons. Allah knows the best for each and everything. You dont have to be ashamed with your rezeki from Allah. But instead, dont forget to praise Him always. Alhamdulillah.
January 3, 2011
Justin Bieber - iPhone - iPod = Screw Me
These three precious things are always in my mind since forever. Haihhh. Here the conflict ; I have some money, yet I have so many things to do with that money.

So, we'll see what I actually get! * Cross Fingers*
- Justin Bieber is considering to include Malaysia in his MyWorldTour this year, somewhere in April. Danggg! I'm dying to go! Well, yeah I have this Bieber Fever. So what? I am not going to miss the concert. In fact , if possible I want the backstage ticket which I dont know how much it will cost me - maybe every single cents in my savings? @_@ But I dont care, I WANNA GO TO MY WORLD TOUR CONCERT! Who can resist this cute prankster? He's so adorable la wehhh! Take a look at his pictures down here, awhhh Bieber.

- iPod. I don't have any idea why iPod. haha. Well its kinda cool to have my very own iPod. Canggih wehh. hehe. Besides playing songs, iPod also provides a variety of games! The price is RM800+. Earlier, I've asked Papa and the rest of the family to start save some money and get an iPod for my 19th Birthday. Haha!

- I bought a BlackBerry curve in June last year. Unfortunately, I've lost it about three months later. So I just feel like trying another smartphone - iPhone 3GS. Besides, iPhone is a cool and classy gadget. And maybe because it is a current trend. Used iPhone 3gs will cost me RM1500 or the new set is RM2100. I dont feel like asking the price for iPhone 4, hehh. iPhone ohh iPhone.

So, we'll see what I actually get! * Cross Fingers*
January 1, 2011
its a brand new year,
Its 2011. I have new resolutions, may it lead me to the better path. One of my resolutions is ;
I decided to start blogging again! Yeah , I know. I'm such a loser. Last year I wrote only a couple of silly entries which I also decided to remove them out. And Im glad I did. haha. To be honest , I am not good in writing. When I write, I screwed everything. I feel like everything wasn't perfect. There was a time, I already reached half of the page, I decided to delete everything because I thot the whole thing was horrible. Yeah, I'm that weird in writing. But well, considering that I have to improve my writing skills (since I have to repeat English in the second semester, I got band 5.5 for writing and the pass band would be 6) so why not blogging? But my blog won't be as good as yours, as fantastic as others - seriously I don't really give a damn. So here I am , writing my first entry in 2011. YEAY!
I'm really working out to improve my English. Being surrounded by people who are good in English makes me feel like I'm such an idiot. So here are couples of things I did during the holiday ;
I decided to start blogging again! Yeah , I know. I'm such a loser. Last year I wrote only a couple of silly entries which I also decided to remove them out. And Im glad I did. haha. To be honest , I am not good in writing. When I write, I screwed everything. I feel like everything wasn't perfect. There was a time, I already reached half of the page, I decided to delete everything because I thot the whole thing was horrible. Yeah, I'm that weird in writing. But well, considering that I have to improve my writing skills (since I have to repeat English in the second semester, I got band 5.5 for writing and the pass band would be 6) so why not blogging? But my blog won't be as good as yours, as fantastic as others - seriously I don't really give a damn. So here I am , writing my first entry in 2011. YEAY!
I'm really working out to improve my English. Being surrounded by people who are good in English makes me feel like I'm such an idiot. So here are couples of things I did during the holiday ;
1) Watching English movies/tv series or whatever such as Keeping Up With the Kardashians, Glee. Well, it do helps okay. I kinda adore the way they speak. Im trying to master it! Wewwitt. Isnt that cool? :D
2) Reading a few strangers' blog which are written in English. Stalker much? Yes, I did and Im kinda like it. Hehe.
Let me see what else I did..ermm, Im afraid there is nothing else. Come on, its a HOLIDAY , I just enjoy it while it last okay!
2) Reading a few strangers' blog which are written in English. Stalker much? Yes, I did and Im kinda like it. Hehe.
Let me see what else I did..ermm, Im afraid there is nothing else. Come on, its a HOLIDAY , I just enjoy it while it last okay!
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